Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Now that we've recovered from the move, we're settling in to the RV lifestyle. No more stocking up or buying in bulk! Combining two households means we had two sets of cleaning supplies, (4 bottles of Pledge, anyone?) two sets of bathroom supplies (several tubes of toothpaste including the travel size), two sets of kitchen things (like Ziploc bags), etc. Getting the picture? There is only so much space to store things in the RV. I was used to buying things on sale or if I had a coupon, all because I had a place to store them in the house.

We'll work through current supplies as best we can. They say it takes 21 days to develop a new habit. We'll have to consciously THINK when we buy things from now on.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

A NEW Chapter

May 15.2016

Today is the first official day of our newest adventure-we are now full timers! A lot of thought went into this decision, but the biggest change is getting rid of our bricks and mortar, and committing to living and traveling in 450 square feet of space.

We were lucky to have wise advice on our home, with it selling in a 2 day time span. Since then, we have purged and purged and purged, rethinking what we want to keep (those items will go in a Pod) and what we don't want or need anymore. Bottom line, we have too much STUFF, like everyone else in America (or most everyone!). As a former professional organizer, I consider myself an organized person. But you can be very organized and still accumulate things sitting on shelves in your basement. We've given LOTS to Goodwill, and found good homes for things. And, only so much will fit into the RV. I'm sure we'll be re-thinking things as time goes on.

Our first stop is Mystic Lake Casino while we finish packing up and cleaning the house. (We'll close on the 23rd.) The next stop will be Treasure Island Casino. Casino RV parks are very reasonable and Mystic Lake is a nice campground with cement pads and grass and trees between the spots. (We're hoping that Treasure Island will be as nice as Mystic Lake.) We celebrated our new lifestyle by having dinner at the Mystic Lake Buffet tonight.

More adventures to come.......