Wednesday, July 6, 2016

If you see me in pj's in the parking lot....

It can't be good. We had a long day of driving yesterday from Grand Marais to Madison, WI. Traffic wasn't bad until we were on I-94 in WI and had an hour backup AHEAD of the one lane closure. But we made it to Madison, picked up Andy's meds at CVS, and then had dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant in Madison, Lombardino's. They make the best eggplant parmesan!

So I know you're wondering what I am doing in my pj's in the parking lot. We were at Cracker Barrel for the night (they allow RV's to park free overnight). I had the news on and we heard about the bad storms that ripped through the Twin Cities and were headed our way. I pulled in all the slides but when I heard the updated report about the winds and possible tornadoes, I woke Andy up to move us to a safer part of the parking lot. After Andy looked at the radar reports, we decided to head south and get out of the worst from the storm.

I was picking up the blocks that we had under our jacks. With the slides pulled in, I had no access to clothes. And we were the only ones in the lot. Believe me, these were regular pj's not some sexy nightgown. :)

We drove to Rockford, Illinois. On the way we hit a orange cone which happened to be on the highway. We saw it too late to swerve. Luckily it didn't do any damage underneath. This is why most RV'ers don't drive at night! Soon after we got to Rockford, it started to rain there. We had wind and rain, but no bad trees downed or anything. This morning I checked the Madison news. They had quite a bit of debris on the ground, and certain parts of town lost power. So although it made for a crazy night, it was a good thing we decided to move.

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