Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Still here, but what happened to the last year and a half? Part Two

After getting our Covid shots, we were able to start moving on with our plans. If we are in the area, we always stop in New Orleans. Cafe DuMonde is a requirement, and we enjoy walking around the French Quarter, hearing the street musicians and appreciating the sidewalk artists. 

Street Art in the French Quarter, New Orleans 

We then headed the rest of the way to Mission, TX. By this time, most of the "winter Texans" had left. We had reservations but after seeing the campground (nothing bad, but a new one and a bit bare for us) we switched to Bentsen Palm RV Park in Mission. This is a bit older campground with a unique layout -circles of spots instead of looking like a parking lot. We also enjoyed the trees and surrounding landscape. From the campground you can see the border wall.

One of many unfinished sections of the border wall 

It is very easy to cross into Mexico from Mission. After realizing my passport had expired, Andy went by himself on the first trip. You pay $2 to park on the US side and then most people walk across the bridge. I was able to join him the next time. When you walk across the bridge, Mexicans both young and old hold up milk jugs on poles asking for money. In Mexico, there is a barrage of street vendors and dental/medical people out hawking their goods and services. 

Along the bridge into Mexico

Andy near the start of the bridge

From Mission, we started heading north for the summer. Another place we like to go is Nashville. We were able to take in an evening at the Grand Ole Opry, which was celebrating it's 50th anniversary.  If you've never been, you should go. We also took the time to take a backstage tour of the Opry, which was very interesting. 

Grand Ole Opry

Part of the Backstage Tour, Mail Boxes for Opry Members

Looking out into the audience

In Kansas City we stopped to see friend Dawn K. and her daughter Elise.  A ballon lift was being held so we took that in.  The hot air balloons are filled but do not take off. As the sun set, the balloons were lighting up the sky. Beautiful!

Balloon Lift In Kansas City 

Dawn & Elise

Next up was Amana, IA for a Tiffin Rally. These rallies only allow 300 coaches, and are a bit more tuned into the Tiffin Brand and specifics of each design. These are always a fun time with meeting other Tiffin owners. Entertainment is always on the schedule and we enjoyed seeing an Eagles cover band and an Elvis impersonator.

And then we are back in MN. This will be an annual summer pilgrimage for us since we have made Mayo Clinic in Rochester our medical home. Daughter Sara had finished her chemotherapy in May (yeah!!!) and was due to have her ileostomy reversed. She asked if I would come stay while she was in the hospital. I, of course, agreed, this time only leaving Andy to be a bachelor for one week.

In the midst of this week was my birthday. A big one, 70. Little did I know that Sara and the rest of the family had been planning a surprise party for me. The excuse to get me out of the house was for me to take the kids to their soccer camp, since Sara would be home but not up to taking them. No problem, I said. As we got back and I pulled onto their street, I noticed a car with the same (picture) license plate as our car. Then I saw my son's car. I had just about figured it out when I opened the garage door and everyone was there yelling SURPRISE! I truly was surprised. All of ths took place 2 days after Sara's surgery. It was very heartwarming and fun. I couldn't have asked for a better celebration of 70 years! 

BirthdayParty Family Pics

While in MN we had a family camping weekend at The Old Barn. Andy and I also took off to Austin to see the remodeled SPAM Museum. 

In front of the Spam Museum

Then it was onto Maryland to see the other half of the family. This was Vince's senior year and we wanted to see as much of his football season as we could. On the way there, we went through the Upper Penisula of MI and stopped to see Andy's brother and wife, Jack and Patty. When we went through Chicago, we stopped to see his other brother and wife, Charlie and Yvette.

#4 is our guy!

Jacob at the Frederick County Fair

Jacob 1st day of school

Side Trip to PA to see the sunflowers

We had wanted to take the train to Cumberland for awhile so did that. 

Jean with the conductor - very interesting guy!

Andy sitting in an old Barbershop Car 

After leaving MD, we headed to TN and the Great Smokey Mountains.

Standing under the Lin Cove Viaduct

Beautiful Scenery

Then, we headed to FL. We were due to meet Sara and family at Disneyworld. However, due to one of the kids getting Covid, their trip was cancelled. (Everyone was  disappointed.) I did get in  chance to have lunch with my friend (and former co-worker), Lynn. So we had one week in FL before we start heading west again. We had liked Bentsen Palm and decided this would be out "winter base" for 2021-22. 

Lynn & Jean 

After settling in there, we headed north to MN for Christmas and some medical and dental appointments. One of the things on the way (not too much out of our way) was a stop in Pawhuska, OK. Pawhuska is the home of the "Pioneer Woman", Ree Drummond. After touring the Mercantile and downtown, we headed out to their ranch for a free tour of the lodge where Ree films all of her shows. We were amazed at the access they allowed us! 

Back of the island where Ree cooks

Recognize this?

One of the things you don't see on TV, her pantry.
Who else has this many dishes? 

And that brings us to the end of 2021! A lot to cover in one posting, but I am catching up! :) 

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